Getting to know the Therapist

Meet Marisa

Marisa Gentile, LPC

Marisa Gentile is a licensed therapist practicing in the state of Virginia. Marisa studied Criminology, Human Development and Family Sciences for her undergraduate degree at The University of Maryland, College Park. Marisa received her master’s degree at Johns Hopkins University for Clinical Mental Health Counseling and has a dedicated career providing mental health services to individuals in Northen Virginia. Marisa has a passion for working with individuals and families who are ready to begin their journey of wellness. Marisa has over a decade of experience working in community mental health, specifically in peer run recovery centers, mental health emergency service departments, specialized first episode psychosis programs and transitional age youth programs. Marisa has prior experience working with new and expectant mothers, as well as providing therapy services for runaway youth experiencing homelessness, possible or suspected abuse/neglect and trafficking.

Beyond the Session

When Marisa is not practicing therapy, you can find her exploring the outdoors with her dog, Finn. Marisa is passionate about traveling to new places and immersing herself in different experiences and cultures. Marisa regularly attends live music events/concerts as it is a strong connection to one of her favorite pastimes; playing guitar.

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